Working Groups Summations
Past Working Groups
2023–Queer Affirming Practices
This working group set out to discuss and address the following issues: queer affirming gear, queer inclusion in outdoor spaces, safety, and gender vs. sexuality. We met every other week, and workshopped documents surrounding tenting policies, queer inclusive language, and queer affirming gear beyond the gender binary. Thank you to Kindling Collective, Ryan McMorrow, The Mountaineers, and everyone else who showed up for these conversations, and helped draft the working best practice documents below:
Queer Affirming Gear Tips
Bleeding Bodies Practices?
You can reference additional meeting notes here.
2022— Real & Perceived Safety
This working group set out to discuss and address the following issues: Human-Related Hazards, Medical Concerns, Plant & Animal Hazards, and Trauma-Informed Approaches. We met every other week, and workshopped documents surrounding human dangers in outdoor spaces, bodily ability, generational trauma in landscapes, internalized racism when leading, and solo outings. Thank you to AMC’s Educators Outdoors, BAWT, and all those who sowed up for these conversations and helped draft the working best practices documents below:
Human Dangers in Outdoor Leadership
Risk Management
Solo Outings
You can reference additional meeting notes here.
2020–Equity and Inclusion in Outdoor Spaces
This working group set out to discuss and address the following issues: