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We're excited to hear what you're up to!  

P.O. Box 347171
San Francisco


We are a growing NETWORK of local organizations using training and outdoor gear libraries to help connect kids to the outdoors across America. 

Program Resources

Program resources are continually evolving and we intend to share resources that may be helpful for your programming. Please reach out to Seraph at anytime if you are looking for something that isn’t shared below or have any questions. Just because it isn’t listed below doesn’t mean that something similar to what you need does not exist within one of our member organizations!

Working Group Resources

  • The purpose of this working group is to discuss, address, and workshop the following issues: What are all the layers of safety? Physical, racial, gender, gender identity, religious, spiritual, traditional, ethical, cultural, ability, etc.

  • This working group set out to discuss, address, and workshop the following issues: protocols for holidays (especially those with food restrictions), everyday food restrictions based on cultural or religious needs, and gear needed to support these needs.

    Please utilize the resources below:

    1. Holiday/Cultural Recommendations

      • Why it matters

      • Religious/Cultural Food Recommendations

    2. Intake Form Recommendations

    3. Kitchen kit evolution

    4. Community email ahead of major holiday (Ramadan example)

    5. Meeting Notes

  • This working group set out to discuss and address the following issues: queer affirming gear, queer inclusion in outdoor spaces, safety, and gender vs. sexuality. We met every other week, and workshopped documents surrounding tenting policies, queer inclusive language, and queer affirming gear beyond the gender binary. Thank you to Kindling Collective, Ryan McMorrow, The Mountaineers, and everyone else who showed up for these conversations, and helped draft the working best practice documents below:

    1. Queer Inclusive Tent Policies

    2. Additional Meeting Notes includes:

      1. bleeding bodies

      2. mental health safety & support

      3. affirming gear needs

  • This working group set out to discuss and address the following issues: Human-Related Hazards, Medical Concerns, Plant & Animal Hazards, and Trauma-Informed Approaches. We met every other week, and workshopped documents surrounding human dangers in outdoor spaces, bodily ability, generational trauma in landscapes, internalized racism when leading, and solo outings. Thank you to AMC’s Educators Outdoors, BAWT, and all those who sowed up for these conversations and helped draft the working best practices documents below:

    1. Human Dangers in Outdoor Leadership

    2. Hunting Area Risk Management

    3. Solo Outings/Female Leader

    4. Risk Management comments

    You can reference additional meeting notes here.

  • During this working group we began an assessment of the current trainings available across the network.

    1. Training guide resource folder

      • Includes notes

      • Includes member training guides

mONTHLY GATHERINGS & Skills Sharing Recordings

Monthly Gatherings are held with guest speakers on the last Tuesday of the month. OEN records and shares these sessions with our members when appropriate. Stay tuned for new recordings and pay attention to our speaker series on our upcoming programming page.

Google Drive: Program Resources