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P.O. Box 347171
San Francisco


We are a growing NETWORK of local organizations using training and outdoor gear libraries to help connect kids to the outdoors across America. 

OEN Programming

Filtering by: Working Group

12:30 PM12:30

Week 4: Emotional Risk Management in Outdoor Spaces

This working group meets every other Wednesday from December 18, 2024—March 12, 2025 to address, and workshop the following issues: What are all the layers of safety? Physical, racial, gender, gender identity, religious, spiritual, traditional, ethical, cultural, ability, etc. Please join us for this working group with this link.

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12:30 PM12:30

Week 3: Emotional Risk Management in Outdoor Spaces

  • Outdoors Empowered Network (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This working group meets every other Wednesday from December 18, 2024—March 12, 2025 to address, and workshop the following issues: What are all the layers of safety? Physical, racial, gender, gender identity, religious, spiritual, traditional, ethical, cultural, ability, etc. Please join us for this working group with this link.

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